Mar 1, 2010

We must stay the course no matter what happen...

Blogger Straight Talk has put it correctly on the issue of TTB and ZH. I have nothing to say other than quoting the whole article for readers.

MPs Tan Tee Beng and Zahrain Hashim Missed the Point, by Blogger Straight Talk

Ex-PKR members of parliament, Tan Tee Beng and Zahrain, both ex-Barisan leaders have missed the point when they quit the party.

Tan and Zahrain were upset with the leadership of Penang CM Lim Guan Eng. Both cited Lim's leadership as "chauvinistic, arrogant and communistic'".

He said, "Pakatan will not last long. It is people like Lim Guan Eng that shall destroy Pakatan. I will not be a part of this group of people which are destroying my country, my race and my religion.

Both Tan and Zahrain should be reminded that we did not vote for Lim Guan Eng. Lim was a political newcomer although he was an ex-MP of Kota Melaka.

We had voted against institutionalised racism, political excesses, corruption, power arrogance and irresponsible leadership.

Until and unless the present regime proves that it is pro-democracy and pro-people, it will continue to be voted out.

Tan and Zahrain should have put their personal dispute and uneasiness with Lim or PKR leadership aside if they are interested to pursue their political career. It appears that both wanted to be taken seriously and treated decently due to their personal and political status.

As a voter I can sympathize with both Tan and Zahrain but my priority is to end racial politics in this country. If Tan and Zahrain truly embrace a new non-racial political paradigm they should be able to put their dispute with Lim above the people's interest.

Ironically, now Zahrain is keen to defend his race and religion. The fact is his race and religion do not need his protection. He should help to give his race and religion a good name by showing others the real image of Malay culture and Islam.

Racial dominance and religious exclusivity have never been truly celebrated in any democracies.

As a voter and proponent of non-racial politics, I am truly disappointed with both Tan and Zahrain. On Lim's personal attitude and leadership style, it is his own business to see if the criticism does hold any good lesson for him personally.

We should be diverted by these superficial and unprincipled politicians. We need to defeat racial politics. We must stay our course on this very important agenda.

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