Aug 26, 2008

Anwar's victory - The Most Meaningful Present for Our Merdeka, Hidup Ketuanan Rakyat

It's confirmed, Anwar won by a whopping 15k majority despite intimidation from the BN rudeless election machinery. At one point I thought Anwar was going to lose. But he never lose hope, instead he give us HOPE of a better Malaysia. This is the kind of fighting spirit that a PM should have, Anwar has it, he deserves to be our PM. This is the piece of good news that I have been waiting for. I think BN should just pack and leave this government to Pakatan Rakyat. After 50 years, Malaysians need a break. The current BN federal government is running out of ideas to govern. They just simply rely on dirty tactic and oppresive laws to continue their reign. Enough is enough, please leave. We have alot more to do and cleaning up might take years. You have done enough damage already, our institution just could not afford to handle anymore.

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