Sep 20, 2009

Obama's speech on race relation

I just can't stop thinking of race relation issue. The only problem of worsening race relation in Malaysia I think is because politicians are not honest in dealing with the issue. We talk so much of unity, tolerance and acceptance, but we quick to jump in to exploit any racial issue for political gains. That is why I am particularly like to listen to Obama's speech on race relation in US during the presidential primary in March 2008. I like it because it's honest. Rather than talking about the evil of racial polarisation and what we should do to deal with it, Obama chose to talk about how his own life experience taught him about race relation growing up in US. Rather than talking about using draconian laws to deal with the issue, he talks about how in reality the issue is actually affecting the society as a whole and recognising the difficulty in handling it in our every day lives. His is putting the challenges to all of us and calling us, not to solve the issue, but to think of the solution together and to celebrate diversity and not merely acceptance.
I am still waiting for this kind of speech by our Malaysian politicians.

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