At the moment a lot of bad news are coming out that Pakatan's battle in three by-election could soon end in defeat. Najib's appointment as new PM and the release of 13 ISA detainees have created false hope among Malaysians that he could do what Abdullah had failed to do. But never mind about how Najib is going to govern this country, let us look at the possibility of Pakatan's defeat. What would happen if Pakatan loses in three by-elections namely Bukit Selambau, Bukit Gantang and Batang Ai?
1) There will not be any follow-up on VK Lingam case - correct, correct, correct. Remember?
2) The illegal take over of Perak become legal;
3) It will encourage more similar take over in the near future;
4) No more reform on police force;
5) Racism will be used whenever UMNO survival is threaten and they can be assured of its effectiveness;
6) Multiracial political party will be dead in Malaysia and race based parties will be given a new breath of live;
7) Samy Vellu will rule another few decades;
8) PKR's march to Sarawak will be halted; it means Taib Mahmud's dynasty will live another day;
9) Kugan & Altantuya's death will be in vain;
10) The political tsunami of 8th March will be halted.
So, Malaysia will be back to pre-8th March where UMNO's hegemony will once again raise its ugly head. It seems now we don't have much choice. Many are forced to accept the reality and go into hibernation.
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