Today is a very signigficant day as exactly one year ago I and million of Penangites help to deliver Penang to Pakatan Rakyat. I can still remember vividly my feeling and joy during that night in Penang. On that Saturday morning me, my mother and brother went to Hu Yew Seah to vote and all of us voted for DAP. After voted we all thought we have done our duty for this nation though in our heart we thought BN was going to 'sapu' all the seats again. And went back home thingking to have a good night sleep and the next morning go back to KL with Sharon and Hannah like nothing would ever happened. I even turned off the TV as we didn't want to watch BN celebrating again just like in every elections last time. But we were wrong, rumours kept coming in that PR has taken over penang and managed to denied BN's 2/3 majority, I could not sleep knowing that was the historic day for our nation just like when Gerakan toook over Penang in 1969. We waited for 30 years to see this happened again, I was so happy, perhaps happy is not the word to describe our feeling back then. It was like second coming of Jesus!
I am hopeful that YAB Lim Guan Eng will take us out of the economic wilderness simply because his is tough and determined. All the best to Penang State Government.
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