Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizen - Plato (428 BC - 348BC)
Oct 27, 2008
Waiting for Obama
I believe Barack Obama's victory in US will bring change not only to America but the whole world. That is way I am joining million of million of people around the world waiting for the coming of Obama Age. and Yes We Can make this happen with our prayers.
Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl, and Christoph Probst, who were executed for participating in the White Rose resistance movement against the Nazi regime in Germany.
"When books are challenged, restricted, removed, or banned, an atmosphere of suppression exists…. The fear of the consequences of censorship is as damaging as, or perhaps more damaging than, the actual censorship attempt. After all, when a published work is banned, it can usually be found elsewhere. Unexpressed ideas, unpublished works, unpurchased books are lost forever." - Robert P. Doyle
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