May 18, 2010

"From now on, no one will take us - the people of Sarawak - for granted"

Speech by Wong Ho Leng, newly elected MP of P212 on 16th May 2010 at the announcement of the results of the Sibu by-election

1. Terima kasih Sibu. Terima kasih Malaysia.

2. One small step in winning Sibu is one big step in winning power in Petrajaya, and a giant step forward in winning power in Putrajaya.

3. Change we can. Tonight, the people of Sibu have created history.

4. Together we won an election that was deemed impossible just a week ago, against the full brunt of the Barisan Nasional money and government machinery.

5. It is a miracle that we created together.

6. Forever, the history of Malaysia will remember 16th May 2010 as the begining of the awakening of Sarawak, and Sibu as the bastion of hope for all Malaysians.

7. From now on, no one will take us - the people of Sarawak - for granted.

8. The victory is not just a victory for DAP. It is a victory for the people of Sibu, Sarawak and Malaysia.

9. I wish to thank all voters of Sibu for making this bold and historic decision.

10. Let me assure you that I will serve all voters of Sibu, regardless of whether you have voted for me or not.

11. And I will speak up for all fellow Malaysians to bring about fundamental change for Sarawak and Malaysia.

12. Finally, to DAP members and leaders, partners in Pakatan Rakyat and all volunteers who worked tirelessly for this by-election, from the very bottom of my heart, thank you.

Wong Ho Leng
MP, Sibu

May 14, 2010

"The playing field has never been level", so please help us to win this battle, Sibu.

As Mathama Gandhi once said, you must be the change you wish to see in the world. DAP and Pakatan Rakyat call on the people of Sibu, Sarawak and Malaysia to be part of the change by joining the Sibu by-election campaign.

We bring hope and our message is change. Sibu must take the lead to change Sarawak and Malaysia. And we know that the people of Sibu want change.

The playing field has never been level. The Barisan Nasional machinery has all the money in the world to spend to maintain the status quo to further the private interests of its leaders. The BN controls the political, administrative, and social institutions in Sibu and Sarawak and is creating an atmosphere of fear among the people.

As the by-election campaign enters its second half we need help from the people of Sibu and from all Malaysians who want change.

Let's win Sibu together. Help us by:
1. Calling your friends and family members to make sure they vote in Sibu on May 16, especially those who are not residing in Sibu;
2. Helping Sibu voters find their polling station here;
3. Donating to the DAP-Pakatan Rakyat by-election campaign. Every Ringgit counts! DAP Malaysia (Public Bank Account No.: 306-382-8309) or access for secure, online credit card contribution;
4. Forwarding this email to five friends and asking them to support Pakatan Rakyat;
5. Volunteering to help us on polling day, please contact 010-537 9800 for more info.

Thank you for supporting Pakatan Rakyat and DAP in Sibu.

Chong Chien Jen
Sibu By-election Campign Director
DAP National Vice Chairman, DAP Sarawak State Secretary, MP for Bandar Kuching, Adun for Kota Sentosa