Sep 14, 2010

Sarawakian, this is the time to change. Be courages and do the right thing. Dont let BN fool you for another 47 years. Read here

May 18, 2010

"From now on, no one will take us - the people of Sarawak - for granted"

Speech by Wong Ho Leng, newly elected MP of P212 on 16th May 2010 at the announcement of the results of the Sibu by-election

1. Terima kasih Sibu. Terima kasih Malaysia.

2. One small step in winning Sibu is one big step in winning power in Petrajaya, and a giant step forward in winning power in Putrajaya.

3. Change we can. Tonight, the people of Sibu have created history.

4. Together we won an election that was deemed impossible just a week ago, against the full brunt of the Barisan Nasional money and government machinery.

5. It is a miracle that we created together.

6. Forever, the history of Malaysia will remember 16th May 2010 as the begining of the awakening of Sarawak, and Sibu as the bastion of hope for all Malaysians.

7. From now on, no one will take us - the people of Sarawak - for granted.

8. The victory is not just a victory for DAP. It is a victory for the people of Sibu, Sarawak and Malaysia.

9. I wish to thank all voters of Sibu for making this bold and historic decision.

10. Let me assure you that I will serve all voters of Sibu, regardless of whether you have voted for me or not.

11. And I will speak up for all fellow Malaysians to bring about fundamental change for Sarawak and Malaysia.

12. Finally, to DAP members and leaders, partners in Pakatan Rakyat and all volunteers who worked tirelessly for this by-election, from the very bottom of my heart, thank you.

Wong Ho Leng
MP, Sibu

May 14, 2010

"The playing field has never been level", so please help us to win this battle, Sibu.

As Mathama Gandhi once said, you must be the change you wish to see in the world. DAP and Pakatan Rakyat call on the people of Sibu, Sarawak and Malaysia to be part of the change by joining the Sibu by-election campaign.

We bring hope and our message is change. Sibu must take the lead to change Sarawak and Malaysia. And we know that the people of Sibu want change.

The playing field has never been level. The Barisan Nasional machinery has all the money in the world to spend to maintain the status quo to further the private interests of its leaders. The BN controls the political, administrative, and social institutions in Sibu and Sarawak and is creating an atmosphere of fear among the people.

As the by-election campaign enters its second half we need help from the people of Sibu and from all Malaysians who want change.

Let's win Sibu together. Help us by:
1. Calling your friends and family members to make sure they vote in Sibu on May 16, especially those who are not residing in Sibu;
2. Helping Sibu voters find their polling station here;
3. Donating to the DAP-Pakatan Rakyat by-election campaign. Every Ringgit counts! DAP Malaysia (Public Bank Account No.: 306-382-8309) or access for secure, online credit card contribution;
4. Forwarding this email to five friends and asking them to support Pakatan Rakyat;
5. Volunteering to help us on polling day, please contact 010-537 9800 for more info.

Thank you for supporting Pakatan Rakyat and DAP in Sibu.

Chong Chien Jen
Sibu By-election Campign Director
DAP National Vice Chairman, DAP Sarawak State Secretary, MP for Bandar Kuching, Adun for Kota Sentosa

Apr 20, 2010

Sham on UMNO

While Zaid is busy destroying ISA, UMNO is busy assassinating his character. Sham on you UMNO.

UMNO, is this OK with you?

Talking about morality, is this OK with you?

Apr 9, 2010

STOP BN From Taking Over

The people is determine to STOP BN's takeover of the country. Start with Hulu Selangor first, give Pakatan a convincing win to realise the plan.

Mar 30, 2010


Over the weekend, something strange took place. MCA actually elected an adulterous man to lead their party. Not that I am suddenly interested in the affair of that purposeless political party, but is just that I am wondering why MCA is so lack of leaders? And in fact the delegates were so lack of choices they basically had to choose between a do-nothing man (OKT), an adulterous man (CSL) and a self-righteous man (OTK).
On another note, I was just thinking if let’s say 50% of the delegates were women. Do you think CSL would be elected? But then again, I expect too much from MCA women. Hope that longkang cum charity former MP – CMF, would not let all the MCA women down and prove me wrong. Well, I really don’t know what would happen to MCA. That is for the voters to decide in the next GE. But if you were to look at US politics, Democrats actually paid for Clinton’s sin. I remember vividly, Bush’s slogan in 2000 was ‘Bring Dignity Back to the White House’, and Al Gore lost. Four years later, Bush beat Kerry again. The thing is, because of Clinton’s mischievous act, Democrats actually suffered badly for a decade until Obama came. So the consequences may vary depending on how high the morality of the people.
As for now, MCA is celebrating. Because, now everyone can become President, even an adulterous man can.

Mar 22, 2010

Iskandar Malaysia, it's a joke

I am very sure Iskandar Malaysia will never succeed, because the CEO does not even know what is its selling point. I had a good laugh but at the same time felt sad for Malaysia.

Mar 8, 2010

Why Do Malaysians Still Support UMNO?

Of course, I know today is a very significant day. Because it's 8th of March - "The Day Malaysia Woke Up", to borrow from Kee Thuan Chye's title. Mere mention of the date makes me feel really good and proud.

But that was 2008. Today I am thinking of another problem. You know I am very puzzled as to why there are Malaysians still supporting UMNO privately and openly, knowing full well what the party stands for. Occasional racist remarks by UMNO politicians is actually symptomatic of a bigger problem, clear proof that UMNO is by nature fundamentally racist. UMNO which is a race-based political party, together with two other race-based parties, MCA and MIC, form BN.

There are many ironies in Malaysia. One huge irony is the never-ending call for unity from each and every quarter. But how do you unite people when the Government, which itself propagates the importance of unity, is formed largely by UMNO / BN? OK, now back to my original question, why after knowing this, do people still support UMNO / BN? Is it because the rakyat is stupid or ignorant? Or is it because - deep down - people are actually racists, who hate people of other races, wanting only to protect the interests of their own race as they only think highly of their own race? In other words, are people basically race chauvinists?

These largely irrational supporters are who UMNO is going after and most of the time UMNO succeeds in getting their support. In 1952, during the US Presidential Election rally, a supporter once called out to the then Governor Stevenson that all thinking people were for him, but Stevenson answered, "That's not enough. I need a majority." And true enough, Stevenson went down defeated by Republican's Eisenhower in a landslide. Apparently, all the unthinking voters did not give their votes to Stevenson.

Yes, political parties do need a majority to govern. And what UMNO wants UMNO almost always gets. Let us face facts, UMNO / BN is very effective in getting a lot of people, especially irrational voters, to support them. This is in no small part due to the mainstream media which is not helping to make voters more intelligent. The Majority of Malaysians are irrational and have supported UMNO / BN for five decades.

We may find the racist remarks from UMNO / BN appalling, but in actual fact these are hardly baffling, if you know who uttered them and to whom these remarks are addressed and for what purpose. Irrational people are easily manipulated or cowed into submission. Basically what UMNO / BN needs to do is to reward them, feed them and materially enrich them in order to get their support.

A well-respected German historian has a radical new theory to explain a nagging question: Why did average Germans so heartily support the Nazis and the Third Reich? Hitler, says Goetz Aly, was a "feel good dictator," a leader who not only made Germans feel important, but also made sure they were well cared-for by the state. To do so, he gave them huge tax breaks and introduced social benefits that even today anchor the society. He also ensured that even in the last days of the war not a single German went hungry. Despite near-constant warfare, never once during his 12 years in power did Hitler raise taxes for working class people. He also -- in great contrast to World War I -- particularly pampered soldiers and their families, offering them more than double the salaries and benefits that American and British families received. As such, most Germans saw Nazism as a "warm-hearted" protector, says Aly, author of the new book "Hitler's People's State: Robbery, Racial War and National Socialism" and currently a guest lecturer at the University of Frankfurt. They were only too happy to overlook the Third Reich's unsavory, murderous side.

Financing such home front "happiness" was not simple and Hitler essentially achieved it by robbing and murdering others, Aly claims. Jews. Slave labourers. Conquered lands. All offered tremendous opportunities for plunder, and the Nazis exploited it fully, he says.

So it is hardly a surprise then, why there are still so many people supporting UMNO. Basically Malaysia is a giant welfare state that rewards its people in return for their votes. And sadly, we Malaysians have allowed ourselves to be manipulated and cowed into voting UMNO / BN for the last five decades. Isn't this so very frightening and alarming? We need to wake up again.

Mar 6, 2010

Urbal Renewal and Enviromental Justice

Every urban policy maker should watch this.

Mar 1, 2010

We must stay the course no matter what happen...

Blogger Straight Talk has put it correctly on the issue of TTB and ZH. I have nothing to say other than quoting the whole article for readers.

MPs Tan Tee Beng and Zahrain Hashim Missed the Point, by Blogger Straight Talk

Ex-PKR members of parliament, Tan Tee Beng and Zahrain, both ex-Barisan leaders have missed the point when they quit the party.

Tan and Zahrain were upset with the leadership of Penang CM Lim Guan Eng. Both cited Lim's leadership as "chauvinistic, arrogant and communistic'".

He said, "Pakatan will not last long. It is people like Lim Guan Eng that shall destroy Pakatan. I will not be a part of this group of people which are destroying my country, my race and my religion.

Both Tan and Zahrain should be reminded that we did not vote for Lim Guan Eng. Lim was a political newcomer although he was an ex-MP of Kota Melaka.

We had voted against institutionalised racism, political excesses, corruption, power arrogance and irresponsible leadership.

Until and unless the present regime proves that it is pro-democracy and pro-people, it will continue to be voted out.

Tan and Zahrain should have put their personal dispute and uneasiness with Lim or PKR leadership aside if they are interested to pursue their political career. It appears that both wanted to be taken seriously and treated decently due to their personal and political status.

As a voter I can sympathize with both Tan and Zahrain but my priority is to end racial politics in this country. If Tan and Zahrain truly embrace a new non-racial political paradigm they should be able to put their dispute with Lim above the people's interest.

Ironically, now Zahrain is keen to defend his race and religion. The fact is his race and religion do not need his protection. He should help to give his race and religion a good name by showing others the real image of Malay culture and Islam.

Racial dominance and religious exclusivity have never been truly celebrated in any democracies.

As a voter and proponent of non-racial politics, I am truly disappointed with both Tan and Zahrain. On Lim's personal attitude and leadership style, it is his own business to see if the criticism does hold any good lesson for him personally.

We should be diverted by these superficial and unprincipled politicians. We need to defeat racial politics. We must stay our course on this very important agenda.

Feb 20, 2010

Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia

Yes, I think this is our mission.

Feb 4, 2010

"Unending series of UMNO/BN sodomies Malaysian People"

The sodUmny never stops

by Dean Johns, MalaysiaKini, Feb 3, 2010

At the risk of repeating some of the sentiments I expressed back when Anwar Ibrahim was charged with Sodomy II, his latest trial is just one more in an unending series of Umno/BN sodomies on the Malaysian people.

Ever since Tun Razak shafted Tungku Abdul Rahman by allegedly orchestrating the May 13 riots back in 1969, successive Umno/BN regimes have violated every principle of civic virtue and good governance in their insatiable lust for power and plunder.

This species of SodUmny became routine during Mahathir's premiership, a 22-year debauch that saw the ravaging of the judiciary's political independence, the defilement of the media and other civil institutions by a combination of force and corruption, and the rape and pillage of the nation's riches by Umno/BN members, relatives and cronies.

One of Mahathir's dirtiest public deeds, of course, was his vicious assault on his erstwhile deputy, Anwar Ibrahim, in 1998. A charge of sodomy that was so clearly and evidently false that the judge in the case, the late, unlamented Augustine Paul, had to give prosecution three goes at getting the time and scene of the 'crime' straight.

As you may recall, the condominium at which the 'offence' was at first alleged to have occurred turned out not to have been built at the time. And on the second occasion on which the sodomy was alleged to have taken place, the defence demonstrated that Anwar had been out of the country on that date.

Then, in the course of the hearing, 'victims' and other procured witnesses recanted the testimony that they had initially given. But despite all this perjury and other irregularities the charade proceeded, and Anwar was convicted and jailed.

But Mahathir hadn't finished with him yet. When Anwar complained of a black eye and other injuries as the result of a beating by the then head of the Royal Malaysian Police, Mahathir brazenly sneered that Anwar had probably inflicted the injuries on himself.

This was a glaring example of possibly the most disgusting sodUmny that Mahathir, his two successors and their entire regime have committed, and continue to commit against the people of Malaysia: utter perversion of the truth.

A pack of pernicious lies

Official government propaganda and public relations are a pack of pernicious lies. Najib Razak's “1Malaysia. People first. Performance now,” is so plainly and patently false as to constitute a sodUmny on the people's intelligence.

Far from truly promoting a united Malaysia, Umno persistently plays on the issues of race and religion to keep-up its pretense of championing the cause of the Malay/Muslim majority at the expense of the rest.

Witness the notorious “cow's head” protest against the construction of a Hindu temple. The police stood by and did nothing to stop it, and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein excused the perpetrators on the grounds that they had “no intention” of provoking racial or religious ill-feeling.

Another glaring example of Umno/BN's promotion of racial and religious disunity has been its involvement in the latest episode of the God/Allah controversy, in which it has allowed one of its newspapers, Utusan Malaysia, total license to inflame the sectarian passions of its readers.

But of course Utusan Malaysia is just an extreme example of the fact that Umno/BN commits its ultimate sodomy of the truth by means of a Printing, Presses and Publications Act that requires virtually all of the nation's news media to submit to Umno/BN's rapacious demands for special treatment.

No coverage of news of the few Umno/BN crimes that escape the net of the Official Secrets Act. No criticism of Umno/BN derelictions, lies or idiocies. No positive coverage of opposition politicians or supporters. Nothing, in fact, from the pathetically prostituted 'mainstream' television, radio and press but the Umno party line.

So, despite the heroic efforts of the few independent virtual media and the burgeoning pro-democracy blogosphere, millions of Malaysians still live in blissful ignorance of many of the obscenities of the Umno/BN regime.

And will continue to, if the authorities have anything to do with it. Barry Wain's book 'Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times' is apparently not yet allowed into the country, presumably to spare Malaysians from revelations of putrid dealings like the preposterous public funding of Umno headquarters, Putra World Trade Centre.

And two other books apparently headed for the banned list are '1Funny Malaysia', a collection of cartoons by Zunar lampooning the Umno/BN regime, and 'Where is justice?', an account of countless atrocities committed in police and MACC custody, including the cases of Teoh Beng Hock, A Kugan, Altantuya Shaariibuu and Anwar Ibrahim.

A good account

Now that we're back to Anwar, according to the ongoing Malaysiakini report he's giving a good account of himself on the first day of his Sodomy II trial.

On the grounds that his accuser and alleged victim Mohd Saiful Bukhan Azlan met at least twice with Prime Minister Najib Razak prior to reporting the 'crime', Anwar said that he intends to request the court to subpoena Najib and his wife Rosmah as witnesses.

“If Najib and the government have managed to cover up the Altantuya (murder),” he asked, “what more is this? This is a desperate attempt to implicate me.”

Anwar's lawyers also applied for a review of last week's decision by the Apex Court denying them additional evidence, documents and CCTV footage needed for his defence.

The trial is being attended by foreign diplomats, legal observers and global media, with BBC News already running a report on the first day of proceedings.

So Malaysia's image, already darkened by Dr Mahathir's global notoriety, Najib Razak's dubious reputation and the ruling regime's dismal record of financial, social and human-rights abuses, is bound to be blackened even further by this latest bum rap.

Let's hope there's enough of an international outcry, and sufficient revulsion on the part of sufficient Malaysians, to finally depose the political inverts of Umno/BN, and put an end to their sodUmnies for once and for all.

Jan 16, 2010

It's just plain wrong, Mr Nazri!

I was laughing and at the same time vomited while reading this piece of news. It's so funny although this issue involving ones faith is hardly a funny matter. But I don't know how Mr Nazri got appointed to be the Minister in the first place, his is so ignorant and constantly putting his feet into his own mouth so to speak.

Okay now our fellow East Malaysian Christians are "allowed' to use the word Allah. But, but I thought the High Court has already ruled on this matter that the Home Ministry's ban is not legal? So, High Court Judgment is not recognised here and it must be allowed by a Minister before the ruling is allowed to be implemented? I am really confused.

The Star also reported:

Mr Nazri also said, "Similarly, they must respect the sensitivities of those in the peninsula, who are uncomfortable with the use of the word by non-Muslims, and not use the word here...".

“But when they are in semenanjung (peninsular Malaysia), then they must respect our custom here, which means that you cannot use the word ‘Allah’, because people here cannot accept it,” he said, referring to the growing number of people from Sabah and Sarawak who have moved to the peninsula.

Wow, wait a minute, are you saying that the authority is going to catch whoever is using the word when they are here? I think he is talking cock. Pardon me for using the c word. But I am just amazed by Nazri's intelligent if he ever has one. How on earth the Government is going to implement this ruling. Follow every East Malaysian Christians? Using mind detector? Please somebody, invent one! Malaysian Government will award you with a contract that worth billion of USD and on top of that a Tun title.

The following is even more bizarre...

We must respect each other. When I go to east Malaysia, I have to respect their customs. So when they come here, they also have to listen. That is only fair,” he said, adding that copies of the Bible containing the word “Allah” needed to be changed when used in the peninsula.

I am eager to see how this can be done. Do you expect the EM Christians to have two types of Bible? Or that they have to bring with them a few thousand sticker with Tuhan written on it to be pasted on Allah while here? There must be hell lot of work to do, East Malaysians!

This is even more puzzling...

The same, he said, should apply to the peninsula orang asli. “They have to use Bibles in English or their mother tongue.

So when comes to ones own faith, National Language does not apply? It just does not make sense. I am not going to comment some more. I think the UMNO led BN Government has created a mess of their own. Peace loving Malaysians have not in any way caused or contributed to this mess.

We are told to support the Government's 1 Malaysia project, but clearly the BN ruling party does not believe in it at all. The way I see it, the Govenment is only believe in divide and rule. Because this will benefit UMNO the most.

Jan 12, 2010

Voice of Reason

Anwar decries church attacks
Jan 12, 10 12:43pm, MalaysiaKini

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has expressed outrage over the arson attacks on churches in several states since last Friday, also blaming the federal government for having added to the situation.
In a statement, he criticised the attack on the All Saints Church in Taiping - the country’s oldest - as an attack on the nation’s heritage.

Citing verses from the Quran, he said Muslims must follow the Islamic tradition of “remarkable commitment to understanding and coexistence with the (others of the Abrahamic faiths)”.

“The Caliph Umar…was careful to ensure that Muslims respected the sanctity of Christian places of worship. Why then our own police force’s hesitation to offer an assurance of safety and security for Malaysian churches?” he asked.

Anwar also reminded Malaysians that the God worshipped by Muslims and Christians is indeed the same, citing the 29th chapter of the Quran which reads: And dispute not the People of the Book, but say, ‘We believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and that which has come down to you…our God (Allah) and your God (Allah) is One, and it is to him we bow’.

He blamed the Umno-led BN government, whose “incessant racist propaganda over the Allah issue” has aggravated the matter.

Anwar also hit out at the “government-controlled mainstream media, especially, Utusan Malaysia” for issuing “inflammatory rhetoric”.

“Such wanton acts of provocation are indeed criminal and demonstrate the duplicity of the 1Malaysia campaign,” he said.

He lauded the swift condemnation of the attacks by Muslim leaders and organisations, as well as the call for calm, forgiveness and resistance of retaliation by Christian leaders.

“We must now advance the spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood which is inherent in our religions and enshrined in our constitution…Our fellow (Malaysians) must feel safe and secure in this country knowing that their freedom to worship is protected,” he said.

‘Dialogue long overdue’

The way to end the conflict is not by burning churches, he said, but through an interfaith dialogue which is long overdue in Malaysia.

“As a nation we struggle to uphold the spirit of unity that our founding fathers envisioned at independence…In such times the spirit of engagement and dialogue must transcend those voices that would seek to sow discord and enmity across out land.”

The government yesterday announced that it will hold dialogues among religious leaders to reach a common understanding, in an attempt to defuse the tension.

To date eight churches have been targets of attempted arson nationwide, with the most recent attack being on the Sidang Injil Borneo church in Seremban yesterday.

The attacks are a response to the Kuala Lumpur High Court’s ruling last month, which lifted the ban on the use of the word ‘Allah’ by Malay edition of the Catholic weekly magazine Herald.

The Home Ministry has since obtained a stay of execution based on consent from the publisher, pending an appeal.

The magazine, which is printed in four languages, has been using the word 'Allah' as a translation for 'God' in its Malay-language section, but the government argued 'Allah' should be used only by Muslims.

The term 'Allah' is widely used among Christian indigenous peoples in Sabah and Sarawak, many of whom speak Bahasa Malaysia.

Jan 9, 2010

Our PM is Powerless...

The statement that as long as these people demonstrating within the Mosque, the government can not do anything to them is weak. When Reformasi movement staged demonstration at the National Mosque, the FRU clearly were inside the Mosque to catch the protester - Tian Chua can tell you a lot about this. And when people demonstrated against ISA, they were called biadap, but our PM is powerless to act when UMNO sanctioned group demonstrated. What is the logic to that statement?

In fact if Najib is wise this would be the right time to display his 1 Malaysia credential and leadership by inviting Church leaders to discuss the controversy. This is clearly a failure of leadership and BN government is very irresponsible and unable to govern from the center but has to gain votes through the fringe group of extremist. Very tragic indeed.

YB Tengku Razaleigh has a good take on UMNO and the Allah issue and below I quoted to sum up the thing I want to say.

"Umno’s position in the present controversy over the use of the term “Allah” by non-Muslims is an example. In a milestone moment, PAS, the Islamic party, is holding onto the more plural and moderate position while Umno is digging itself into an intolerant hardline position that has no parallel that I know of in the Muslim world. Umno is fanning communal sentiment, and the government it leads is taking up policy lines based on “sensitivities” rather than principle. The issue appears to be more about racial sentiment than religious, let alone constitutional principles.

In a complex multiracial society a party and a government whose primary response to a public issue is sunk in the elastic goo of “sensitivities” rather than founded on principle, drawn from sentiment rather than from the Constitution, is already short of leadership and moral fibre. Public life is about behaving and choosing on principle rather than sentiment. Islam, in particular, demands that our actions be guided by an absolute commitment to justice for all rather than by looking inward at vague “sensitivities” of particular groups, however politically significant. It is about doing what is right rather than protecting arbitrary feelings. If feelings diverge from what is right and just, then it’s time to show some leadership."

Jan 1, 2010

"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." by Edmund Burke

I was reading Asian Beacon and came across with this beautiful quote by Edmund Burke on the topic about Transforming Society written by Joanna Lee. Edmund Burke's quote: " All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."

In the forum about Transforming Society organised by Graduates' Christian Fellowship on 10 May 2008, Rev Sivin Kit quoted a few biblical models for faith and politics and challenged participants to consider other model of governance, transparency, constructive criticism and social justice instead of just relying on Roman 13, which exhorts Christians to submit to the authorities established by God.

Christians were very often told to submit to the Government but were unaware that Government is only a vehicle to govern a country. It's the country that we should submit or loyal to because whatever party that has the majority can form a government but country belongs to all the citizen - the real stake holders.

It's this believe that we should submit to the Government, that Christians were oblivious to the mismanagement and injustices that are happening within the Government. Thus allowing evil to prevail and it has becoming worst over the years. If we still believe we are unable to bring change,then we are wrong as we have the power to influence even in a small and little way like through face book, circle of friends and writing to on-line media is the best way.

Blogging is one of the ways that is effective to influence public opinion into action. Other than this, refusing to bribe the traffic policemen is one good way of saying no to corrupt cops.

Edmund Burke's quote is still very current and relevant to us. Any countries could slip into Zimbabwe-like nation very easily and all it takes is for a few good men to do nothing when witnessing mismanagement, injustices and corruption. Looking at how Malaysia is faring politically, economically and socially, it does not take a genius to figure out that indeed we have not a few but a lot of our good men are not doing anything when seeing injustices and corruption.